Silica dust is what is produced when concrete, bricks, blocks, etc are cut, and while it might seem harmless, it contains crystalline silica. The existence of crystalline silica and the hazards it can cause to a worker’s body – silicosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and kidney disease – has been known for decades. That is why Husqvarna Construction Products has been developing solutions to control dust for decades.

Since OSHA released the final ruling on crystalline silica exposure on March 23, 2016, how to control this dust has been a major concern for contractors. Mostly because the ruling places a lot of weight on the contractor’s shoulders, but Husqvarna is here to support you with information and products to assist with compliance.

We always work towards finding the best solution for our customers – from both an efficiency standpoint and from a worker’s view. OSHA has been working on a final ruling for the past several years, and since the first ruling on silica exposure Husqvarna Construction Products has been working to develop ways to suppress the crystalline silica and keep workers more safe.


Enforcement Effective:           September 23, 2017

The final OSHA ruling revises the amount of crystalline silica a worker should be exposed to. The key takeaways of the ruling include:

The permissible exposure limit will be set at 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air, averaged over an eight hour shift.

Employers will be required to take measures to control silica, either through using water, dust collection systems, ventilation or providing respirators.
Employers will also be required to limit the amount of time a worker can be exposed to hazardous environments, write an exposure control plan, designate a competent person, offer medical exams to highly exposed workers and train workers on the risks and how to avoid silica dust.

OSHA logo

Penalty Amounts Adjusted for Inflation as of January 13, 2017

Type of violation Maximum penalty
 Serious/other than serious posting requirements    $12,675.00 per violation
 Failure to abate    $12,675.00 per day beyond abatement date 
 Wilful or repeated violations    $126,749.00 per violation 
Penalty amounts listed above may change.

For more information on OSHA penalty guidelines visit: https://www.osha.gov/silica/


Pullman Ermator pack shot

Dust & Slurry Management for Other Applications